Wednesday, January 12, 2011 15:00
My daughter, My Message yesterday was harsh. Many reading it will say, “this is not the way the Lord speaks.” But how do they know? It is because of the suffering that is being endured by My beloved children, at the hands of others, that I must speak out. I speak out because of My Divine Mercy, in order to help save you, My children, so that we can be united as one Holy Family in the New Paradise. I do not want to lose one single soul to the deceiver. It is important that My Voice is heard.
Non-Believers find it so difficult
I understand that for many of My children, especially those non-believers, they find it very difficult to believe in the next life. They are so conditioned, by worldly matters, that in their struggle to survive, they have neglected their spirituality to such an extent they don’t believe that there is another life at all. They now need to consider. They believe that all ends after death and that the only world they need to worry about is the one they live in right now. How I Am distressed for these misguided souls. If they could only experience a glimpse of what Paradise provides, they would spend their days in prayer and adoration to Me, and My Eternal Father, in praise and thanks.
This New World that I have promised them is a reality. Praise to the believers who have never forgotten this fact and who still pray to Me every day. How I love My followers; but how I suffer for them too. These devout followers do everything they can to convince others of My Existence. Then they are laughed at and scorned on My behalf. How this breaks My Heart.
How the departed pine for all those left with no faith
How your loved ones pine for you all on the other side, non-believers! For those of you, whose loved ones are at peace in My Father’s Kingdom, they constantly pray to intercede on your behalf. What you do not realise is this. If you take time to speak with Me privately – in your own words – and ask Me for guidance, even if your faith is lukewarm, then I will respond. And you will know that I have responded. Turn to Me now children. In your own words and ask Me to restore your faith.
Consider My Teachings through these Messages and through the Bible and remind yourselves what way you must live your lives. I will, through My Mercy, reveal to you your grievances against My Teachings, and every sin and offence you have committed throughout your life, very soon.
Not Judgment Day, but a taste of what it will be like
This is an Act of Mercy on My part. You will see your sins and understand immediately how they appear to Me. Instantly, you will understand clearly how offensive they are and wrong. This is your chance, children, to repent. This is not Judgement Day, but a taste of what it will be like.
Out of Mercy you are being given the greatest Gift of all before Judgement Day – the chance to repent and change your life before the final day – the time when I arrive back on this Earth. I come, as you know, not as a Saviour then, but as a Just Judge. That time is now close, My children. Do not fear. I Love you all. You are in My Heart. Allow Me to enter yours now, and let Me guide you to My Father’s Kingdom. Never fear death. Death will simply be a doorway into a new beautiful life of blissful eternity, full of love, peace and happiness.
Life on Earth – only a passage in time
Your life on Earth is simply a passage in time. It can be full of love, joy, pain, rejection, fear, anger, despair, frustration and sadness. But it is only when you turn to Me, that your pain will ease. Blessed are those who suffer and especially in My Name, for you will be glorified in My Father’s Kingdom. Blessed too are those who turn back to Me, for there will be great rejoicing in Heaven.
You will be welcomed into My New Paradise. Pray for your souls and those of your families, now. The Warning will take place soon. Then you will know the Truth. You will then have the chance to redeem yourself in My Eyes.
I love you all. I rejoice because I know that so many more of My children will now turn back to Me and God the Eternal Father, as the time for the end times draws very close now. Be prepared.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ
Thursday, January 12, 2012 15:30
My dearest beloved daughter, there is a need for everyone to pray with all their hearts now, for the souls who may not survive the shock when they witness The Warning and My Great Mercy.
Some of these poor souls in mortal sin may not get the chance to seek redemption, so please ensure that your prayers are offered up for such souls.
Prayer is urgently needed for those souls in darkness. So intent are they in their wickedness to destroy humanity, through monetary and other controls, that they will find The Warning to be a terrible shock.
I need them to be given the chance to repent, but many will resist Me. Please pray for these tortured souls.
Finally I would like to ask all My followers to recite the Divine Mercy at every opportunity as the times gets closer now for My Great Warning.
To all those believers who refuse to accept that it is I, Jesus Christ, their Saviour speaking to them through these Messages, hear Me now.
Do not be like those poor souls, who lived in the time of Noah, when he was sneered at.
Open your minds and give generously of your time in prayer. That is all I ask of you at this time. You, My children, will cry tears of remorse when you realise your mistake. And yes, I will forgive you even though you have hurt Me deeply.
Your insults wound Me.
Your taunts are like a knife twisting Me inside out because you think that you know Me, but, you don’t.
Your minds are closed to My True Voice, which is like a cry in the wilderness.
Your loftiness offends Me.
You must accept that the way is now being planned for My Second Coming.
You may not listen to Me now, as I plead with you to pray for souls who will be lost to Me. But, you will when this is proven to you, after this Great Event.
For then I will expect you to follow Me and form the remnants of My Church. It will be then that we will all unite to pick up the pieces left, as we walk towards My New Paradise.
Your beloved Jesus Christ
Saviour and Redeemer of all Mankind
Saturday, January 12, 2013 15:10
Saturday, January 12, 2013 15:10 hours
My dearly beloved daughter, this is the time for the next phase in My Plan to prepare the world for the New Era, the New Paradise, the Kingdom, promised by Me, the Son of Man.
My army must now gather and link as one in prayer, for the battle for souls has now intensified. The plans by the evil group, on a global scale, to legitimise wars, murder through euthanasia and abortion, is gathering momentum.
The plan to destroy the Catholic Church from within its own ranks is already underway. Those souls in positions of power, and especially those within Christian Churches, who condone sin and try to legislate for it, know this. You will suffer terribly. The Hand of My Father will intervene and destroy your plan.
For every man and woman who tries to bring in laws against the Will of God, they will face a terrible chastisement. Not only will they be struck down, their own nations will also be chastised.
Enough has been endured by My Father. He will no longer tolerate such interference in His Creation. The earth will be shaken and not one man will fail to notice.
What wickedness there is. And what cunning is in place, where terrible abominations are being introduced by humanity, which insult God. By these acts, man will have to face the Wrath of My Father. Prayer, and much of it, can halt this wickedness. And it is because of your prayers that the Divine Interventions, to punish mankind, have been delayed. Now those nations, whose rulers are driven by the spirit of evil, will be wiped out.
My beloved followers, you will suffer greatly as you witness the acts of disobedience against the Laws of God. You must keep praying in order to mitigate the punishments by My Father.
Now, you must set up as many prayer groups for My Crusade of Prayers as possible in every nation. By doing this you will allay the work of the evil group.
My patience is never ending, but man will be punished, before My Second Coming, for his wicked deeds. This punishment has been delayed for some time, but My Father will permit ecological upheavals, in order to purify souls.
Here is an important Litany to help mitigate the punishment by My Father.
Litany Prayer (4) to mitigate punishment by God the Father
O God the Most High.
We beg You for Mercy for the sins of Your children.
We thank You for the Gift of the earth.
We thank You for the Gift of human life.
We treasure the Gift of life.
We uphold the Gift of life.
We thank You for the Gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
We thank You for the Gift of Redemption.
We praise Your Divinity.
We surrender, completely, before You, so that Your Holy Will can be completed, on earth, as it is in Heaven.
We thank You for the Gift of the Illumination of Conscience.
We thank You for the promise of eternal life.
We welcome the New Paradise.
We beg You to save all souls, including those who torment You and those who are lost to You.
We thank You for the Love you show all Your children.
We thank You for the Gift of prophecy.
We thank You for the Gift of prayer.
We ask You to grant us peace and salvation. Amen.
My daughter, this Mission will become even more difficult, as the hatred of man against man intensifies and divides.
God’s loyal disciples will be tempted to give in to the sins, which will be disguised as the laws of tolerance. You must resist every attempt to turn your back on the Truth of My Teachings. When you leave all your trials in My Holy Hands, you will find this Mission to save souls, much easier.
Your Jesus
Sunday, January 12, 2014 20:28
My dearly beloved daughter, were it not for Me, Jesus Christ, where I speak to the world at this time, many souls would never enter the Gates of Paradise.
So many ungrateful souls no longer obey My Laws and so they create their own interpretation, which I find repulsive. Rules relating to the Truth were given, as a Gift to humanity, as a means to enable man to earn the right to salvation. Don’t you know that you cannot live by your version of the Laws of God and then expect to enter Paradise?
The arrogance of man has overtaken the spirit of humility. Man no longer serves God in the way in which he was commanded to. Instead, he creates, out of his own imagination, a vision of what he believes Heaven to be. Today, no servant of Mine – those appointed to serve Me – ever refers to the existence of Hell. The mere mention of the word Hell embarrasses My sacred servants, for they fear the ridicule they would have to face from a secular society, which has been deceived. Hell is home to many poor souls and how it pains Me to see unsuspecting souls, plunge into the abyss of terror, at the moment they take their last breath.
God’s children must be told now of the urgency to pray for souls who are blind to the Truth. Very soon, Hell will be formally declared as a place, which does not exist. Souls will be told that all of God’s children, once they live reasonable and dignified lives – irrespective as to whether they believe in God, or not – will be given Eternal Life. But this will be a lie. There is no return from Hell. It is for eternity.
Many souls who outwardly rejected Me, both privately and in public, languish in Hell. Their bitter regret is made worse by their terrible painful suffering and hatred of Satan. Once in Hell, Satan reveals himself to them in all of his wicked and vile forms and his hatred of them fills them every second. Their revulsion of him, in itself – the same beast to whom they paid homage during their lives on Earth – is the cause of much of their pain. But, it is their separation from Me and the pain of darkness which they experience, which creates the greatest anguish.
Any man who tells you, in My Name, that Hell does not exist has no interest in helping you to save your soul. When you are convinced that Hell does not exist, then you wrongly assume that sin is irrelevant.
You cannot serve Me if you believe that sin does not exist. You cannot live a glorious life for eternity in My Kingdom, if you do not ask Me to forgive you your sins. This is the kernel of the new, soon to be introduced, doctrine, which you will be forced to swallow. This is when you will be tricked into neglecting to prepare your soul for the Great Day of the Lord, when I come to claim you as Mine.
I tell you this to warn you – not to frighten you. I beg you to accept sin as part of your lives, but I urge you to continue to avoid the seven deadly sins, for when you do, you will be in My Favour. You must always confess your sins. Do this daily. Talk to Me and ask Me to forgive you. For those of you who cannot receive the Sacrament of Confession – those who follow many faiths and religions – then you must accept the Gift I gave you of the Plenary Indulgence.
Look after your soul, for it is your soul which will live forever. You will live in only one of two places, for eternity – in Hell or in My Kingdom.
Your Jesus