Monday, January 9, 2012 8:10
My dearest beloved daughter, the times are moving swiftly and The Warning will herald the preparation for My Second Coming.
After the Global Confession, when most of humanity will be given special Graces and blessings, I will prepare the way for My Second Coming.
Mankind must accept that the time for this Great Event is almost upon them. Waste no time in preparing your souls and those of your family for My Glorious Return.
My Second Coming will bring to an end the torment you have endured for thousands of years on Earth.
So great is this Glorious Event that no man will fail to gasp in wonder and astonishment as I appear in the skies.
You, of this generation, have been chosen to benefit from this journey with Me into My New Paradise, during the Era of Peace, over which I will Reign.
No one must be excluded. Not one soul must be allowed to fall through the net. It is My greatest desire to bring you all with Me into My Kingdom.
This is the glory which mankind has waited for since My death on the Cross.
For those of you who turn a blind eye to My pleas, I urge you to begin preparing now.
My time is drawing close. I have now sent My final messenger into the world to help you prepare your souls. This has been prophesised.
Do not ignore My Warning, because if you do, you are not awake and you will fail to prepare adequately.
I will impart many Messages from now on, so that the world is ready to accept Me, as their Ruler.
Your beloved Jesus
Redeemer of all Mankind
Wednesday, January 9, 2013 10:45
My dearly beloved daughter, how familiar I Am, through the tongues of man, every single day, and yet, I Am so far away from them.
Many, instinctively, call out My Name aloud, in moments of expression, without actually realising how they use My Name. Not only Am I not revered; no respect of any kind is shown to Me. My Name is used to curse others, at times of great friction. How this hurts and shocks Me; that I Am used in this way.
Many use My Name in daily conversation, but not in a way, which addresses My Role as the Saviour of the human race.
How I wish that I could call upon those atheists and agnostics, so that they could listen to how they use My Name, in their daily conversations. If it is a habit, then why don’t you use another form of expression? Why do you include Me, if you do not accept Me? Why do you use Me as a form of blasphemy, when you do not believe I Exist?
So many people dismiss Me as not being important in their lives. I Am pushed to one side as if I Am of no consequence.
Many souls, who do believe in Me, do not practise their faith. As such, they fail to prepare their souls. So many do not know when they will be taken from this earth and into the next life and have made a terrible mistake. For, they are not fit to enter My Kingdom.
The day when souls find themselves divided into two groups, the Truth of the future will finally be revealed to them. Woe to the man who has not prepared for this great day and who wasted the time accorded to him on earth.
To the others who have refused to listen to the Truth and who publicly demeaned and rejected Me, their terror will be impossible to describe. There will be weeping, hysteria and shock witnessed on that day, as these souls see that the path they chose led them only into the fires of the abyss.
This is the time of spiritual renewal for souls who have been blessed with the Gift to see how the prophecies of old are now taking place in the world as foretold.
I look at the world and I see terrible confusion, as people are being sucked into lies about how the world was created – these lies, which are designed to turn people away from the Truth.
I see good people being told to reject their understanding of My Teachings and to throw them aside in favour of accepting Sin. Then they are encouraged to applaud sin until they convince themselves that I, Jesus Christ, will turn a blind eye.
The Truth of My Teachings lies at the very kernel of Christianity. When you take away the Truth, or tamper with it, it is no longer the Truth. All that is left is a shell.
It is time to discern whether or not you are prepared to allow yourselves to be deceived by modern new age spiritualism, or to stand firm and defend the Holy Word of God. It may not seem to matter to you now, but when the day comes, when I come to Judge, only the Truth will be acceptable in My Kingdom.
When you accept lies, you are not being honest. You are not being truthful. Therefore, you will not receive Graces. You will be like an empty vessel, which sails in the seas, boasting of a cargo, which exists only in your minds. It will be of no use to anyone, this false sense of security. It will not give you access to the keys of My New Paradise.
Pray every day, as if tomorrow is your last day, because you do not know the time of My Second Coming. It will happen unexpectedly. When that day dawns, there will be little time to turn back. You will either accept Me, and My Promise to bring you into My Kingdom, or you will be sent to the place from which there is no return.
Your Jesus
Thursday, January 9, 2014 21:40
My dearly beloved daughter, look around you and what do you see? A world full of contradictions. On one side you will see love, joy and goodwill. But then this will be counteracted, on the other side, by the hatred, which the evil one has for humanity.
Any unrest, sorrow, confusion, lack of trust, venom, hatred and evil which you see take place in the world; know that this can only come from one source. The scourge of humanity, that is Satan, has created desperate unhappiness amongst God’s children. Their pain then becomes Mine and this is why the evil one creates such havoc – to hurt Me.
My daughter, everywhere you walk and every face you see, as and from this day, will be as I see them – each a child of God. How I love them all, how I want to cherish each of them – irrespective of their faults or their sins. It makes no difference what they have done to offend Me; I still love them – each and every one. I feel great joy when I see the love radiate from them – a love they have received as a Gift from My Father, Who created them. Their love is My Love and it draws other souls to them and this then spreads the Love of God everywhere.
But when I witness pain and suffering, in any soul, then their pain becomes Mine. Their pain can be caused by terrible suffering, brought about by lack of love for others, which brings a sense of desperate desolation. Their loneliness and isolation is felt by Me also and this ignites My Compassion further.
Then there are those souls who spend all their time chasing things, which do not come from Me. Those who reject Me, completely break My Heart in two. How I shed many Tears of Blood for these souls, for they have cut the umbilical cord, which joins them to their Saviour – their only hope of Salvation. When you see these souls, My daughter, you will feel a terrible sorrow in your heart, just as I feel for them.
Finally, there are those who say that they represent Me, but who are not worthy to wipe My Feet. Their hatred of Me is caused by their love for themselves. Yet, no matter how often they insult Me and mislead My flock, I still crave their souls.
My Love for humanity is whole. I love all, including those who commit the most wicked acts. So it will be until the end. I will embrace all souls until the last day, when after all efforts by Me to save souls have been exhausted, only those who run into the abyss of the beast and who refuse Me, despite knowing how much I love them – will be lost to Me, forever.
Always love each other, faults and all – the way I love you. When you disapprove of someone, remember My Love and remain silent. When you despise another know that this hatred does not come from Me. When you look at one another, see them as if through My Eyes. Not one of them should be shunned by you. Instead, show compassion to those who displease you, offend you or cause you harm, for they are loved by Me. If you love Me, you will show love to all of those with whom you come into contact.
Love is infectious because it comes from God. Only good can come from love.
Your Jesus
Friday, January 9, 2015 15:30
My dearly beloved daughter, it is time for Christians all over the world to unite against the contempt being shown by billions against the Truth – the Holy Word of God.
Every sin against God is now deemed to be acceptable in My Eyes. Sins that are abhorrent to Me will soon be presented as being holy in My Eyes but this can never be. When you present anything, which does not come from Me and place it before me in My Churches, then you cause Me great pain.
It has never been so difficult for Christians to follow My Thorny Path as it is today. Lies, lies, lies, are being given to you in My Name and you must never forget My Teachings or you will be deceived by those who plot against the Word of God. To be a Christian requires much more than declaring to be one. If you are a true Christian then you will do all that I taught and follow Holy Doctrine contained in the Holy Bible. To acknowledge My Word is one thing but to carry out what I taught is another.
To love one another is never easy because of the existence of sin. To love your enemies places a great burden upon you but if you pray for the graces to do so, then you will find that your love for Me grows. If you love Me truly you will be free of hatred, and then you will find true peace of the mind and the soul. If you allow Satan to tempt you into hating others you will fall into a terrible darkness. Hatred is like a weed that grows and spreads rapidly. When hatred festers in the soul it will, eventually, devour it entirely. It will bring with it a distressing disquiet and those who are filled with it will never find peace. Hatred breeds hatred and spreads quickly from one soul into the next. Once Satan establishes himself in these souls he will never leave them until they repent and show true remorse.
Love quells every kind of hatred but, unless you remove your souls from those who incite hatred, you will be plunged into despair. I cannot save a soul who will not repent of their wickedness. I await your confession and when you come to Me and beg Me to relieve you of the curse of hatred, I will reach out and pull you by the hand back into My Refuge of Peace.
Peace and love can only come from God. Always seek Me out for I Am Love. When love is missing I am absent in the soul.
Your Jesus