Saturday, January 7, 2012 15:40
My dearly beloved daughter, while My followers continue to fight amongst themselves as to the authenticity of these, My Holy Messages to the world, more and more souls continue to be separated from Me.
To those of you who claim to know Me, be assured that your love for Me must be proven.
It is not enough to say you love Me. You must love your neighbour first. How do you love your neighbour? By treating them with love and respect no matter how they offend you.
Woe to those of you who slander another in My Name. You are lost to Me. Without humility in your heart, you, when you judge and curse another in My Name, spit in My Face.
Remember you do not represent Me when you slander and show public hatred for others.
Yet many of those, who project themselves as holy apostles of Mine, fall into this trap, laid down for them by Satan, in order to trip them up.
Go away I say. Pray for forgiveness, far better that you spend more time in prayer for the salvation of your brothers and sisters.
Oh how I wish those followers, who say they come in My Name, would behave in the way I have taught them. How they hurt those poor souls who try their utmost to remain humble in My Eyes.
There is a great need for discernment with regard to these Holy Messages from My Divine Lips, the last such Messages of their kind, in these, the end times.
Never create your own opinion based on a flawed understanding of Who I Am and My Teachings.
I Am, above all, a God of Mercy first before I come as Judge.
I love all of you, but, I suffer the same pain today as that I experienced during My time in the Garden of Gethsemane. I will never rest until I save you from the evil one.
Any man who says that I do not suffer does not know Me. Any man who thinks he has been given authority to judge others in My Name, does not truly love Me. Instead, he loves himself and is stuffed with pride.
Any man who wags his finger at others, in order to bully them into believing in Me, has also misunderstood My Teachings of love, humility and patience.
Many well-meaning Christians believe that their role is to analyse and re-evaluate My Teachings. Yet much of their analysis is based on human and logical reasoning, which is of little substance in My Kingdom.
When I urge you to become little in My Eyes I mean as a child who does not question. I mean as a child who trusts completely in his father without fear in his heart.
Until you become little in My Eyes you are not fit to speak in My Name.
When you find the humility I seek out, only then can you help me to save souls.
Your Teacher
Redeemer of Mankind
Jesus Christ
Monday, January 7, 2013 22:15
My dearly beloved daughter, you may wonder why, when I communicate with you, that it seems like the most natural thing in the world.
Sometimes you ask why you do not feel overpowered by My Presence. I allow this, for you would find it impossible to stand before My Presence, as you would faint with the Power of My Light. Yet, I allow you to glimpse a little of this Divine Light, as a special Gift. It is because then you will grasp just how powerful My Light, My Love and My Spirit is.
If man were to glimpse, but just a fraction of My Divine Presence, he would be so overwhelmed that he could not stand the Light, as it would blind him.
This is the distance, which sin places between man and his Creator. When My Light is shown to souls, they can only be embraced by Me, in My Kingdom, when they have been purified. Only those of you who humble yourselves before Me can be enveloped within the Light of My Mercy. No matter how much you claim to love Me, you must redeem yourselves constantly before Me, if you are to be given this Gift of My Mercy.
To each sinner, I say this. Not an hour goes by, when, in your thoughts, through your lips and by your actions, do you not sin. But, when you quietly accept your weakness, and are full of love for Me, and I can see your sorrow, then I will forget your iniquities in an instant.
When I come to cover you with My Divine Mercy, before My Second Coming, it will be to offer you the purification needed, so that you can be embraced and taken into the security and safety of My Divine Light. My Light, on that day, will cover the earth. Many, although blinded by the Light of My Great Mercy, will instantly accept My Hand of Salvation.
To be accepted into the Light of My Mercy, you must accept that the Power of God is eternal. Only by the Power of God do you exist. Only by the Love of God will you live forever. Those who reject the Light can only find darkness. Darkness can only mean one thing – that you accept the life of eternal suffering offered to you by the evil one.
Allow My Light to shine down upon you, but first, you must earn the right to share in this powerful Light, which offers you a place in My Kingdom, forever.
I bless you. I call you. Come to Me, without fear, for I wait patiently for you. If only you would come to Me, you would then understand the Truth of My Promise.
Your Jesus
Tuesday, January 7, 2014 12:15
My dearly beloved daughter, My Word will remain intact, because My beloved loyal followers all over the world, who will form the Remnant of My Church, will never deviate from the Truth.
So many of My followers will emerge to form My Remnant Army in every nation in the world, including communist regimes. The Holy Spirit is being sent to cover each and every fragment of this small, but powerful, Army of Mine. Soon, all of My disciples will spread the Words of the prophecies, given to the world through this Mission – everywhere. They will go out now and spread the Gospels, My Word and My Promises to all. I will never permit the faith of My followers to wither and fade. However, those souls who remain true to the Word, as it was given to humanity in the Bible, will be few.
My Light will shine like the sun upon all those places where My beloved disciples respond to My Call at this time. This is a Call from Heaven to invite you to take up My Cross and follow Me, your Jesus, to the ends of the Earth. I desire that by spreading out to proclaim the Truth of the most Holy Trinity, that you will help Me to gather the lost, the confused, the wanderers and those who do not know Me.
You will call out to all religions and give them My Word. Through the Prayers I give you, they will be blessed. Rejoice, those of you who know that it is I, Jesus Christ, Who calls on you at this time of great change. You are, indeed, blessed. Know that My Love for you is such that I will guide you, strengthen you and give you the courage of lions in your mission. You will speak with love and eloquence and the Fire of the Holy Spirit will pour from your mouths. This Gift will draw millions back to Me. I Am preparing you now, for you are about to witness the greatest deceit ever inflicted upon the world by Satan.
When you are for Me, you will be able to defend the world from being engulfed by the wickedness of the evil one in his last days. You will not fail. You will suffer. You will face disapproval, opposition and accusations of heresy, although all you will be simply reminding people of is already contained in the Holy Gospels.
Be at peace, for My Gifts will sustain you during this battle. You are now ready, for the enemies of Mine, who have been waiting to declare themselves boldly to the world, will become known shortly. Then, that will be the time for My final Plan for the salvation of humanity to be completed.
I Am in you, with you and I reside always in your hearts and souls.
Your beloved Jesus
Tuesday, January 7, 2014 23:15
My dearly beloved daughter, just as the faithful cry out: “No more – we can’t bear to watch evil triumph over good.” all pain will come to an abrupt end.
The purging of evil requires that it be allowed to spread first. This is a test for those men with wicked hearts, who will be the first to be drawn. As they plunge into a vacuum of evil, they will either resist the pain it will create in their souls or they will allow themselves to be taken to new depths, further and further away from the Realm of God.
The souls of the faithful will be tested to the brink and they will be tormented by the confusion, which lies ahead of them. Many will know in their hearts, that what they believed to be true and which they have held close to their hearts, is no longer deemed to be the Truth. And so they will not be able to decide what is from Me and what is not. Their faith will be torn asunder and many will find themselves embroiled in a new manmade doctrine, which will never feel right. They will feel a sense of unease and many will not be able to confide their fears to those appointed as My sacred servants. They will not know who to turn to for the Truth.
They will have to witness the public proclamation, which will glorify sin, when it is declared that humanity is weak – God knows that man, weakened by sin, is but just a victim. Instead of having to witness sin in all its ugliness, they will be forced to nod their agreement and accept the new laws, which will be introduced into the Church. They will be expected to pay homage to and respect the new laws, which will call all of you to respect man’s individuality and your right to be what you desire and do what you choose.
When My followers, who fall for the deceit to come, deny Me, this does not mean they will say: “I do not believe in Jesus.” No, it will mean this. They will choose what part of My Teachings they want to believe in. Then they will decide what parts they do not agree with. Then they will say that Jesus would agree with this new interpretation, were He to walk the Earth today. Oh how little they have learned and how pride will pull them asunder. When the chastisement falls around them and when they realise how they have offended Me, they will scream in horror, when they come face to face with the justice which will be meted out to them.
On that day, when the Truth is revealed, it will only be because of the prayers of My Remnant Army that those who brought disgrace upon themselves and who fought Me, their beloved Jesus, Who only wanted to bring them Mercy – that they will be saved.
Your Jesus
Wednesday, January 7, 2015 16:30
My dear children, you must prepare for my Son’s Plans to redeem you all in His Eyes. His Time for Intervention, to awaken the spirit within you, is drawing close.
Pray, pray, pray for all the lost children in the world who have severed all links to my Son, although they were weaned on the Truth. Soon, they will be in no doubt as to His Existence and you must pray that human pride will not come between them and God’s Mercy. You must pray, especially, for those souls who have betrayed my Son, in so many ways, that they are given the courage to humble themselves before Him and beg for Mercy.
The Truth, dear children, given to humanity by the Manifestation of my Eternal Father, through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, is being torn apart. Do not embrace any form of doctrine, which does not uphold the Truth as a whole. You must never say that part of the Truth is important and then deny the rest of it. You either accept the Word of God, laid down by Him, or you do not. Time is of no significance. What was given thousands of years ago to man, through the Word of God, has not changed, nor can it. Anything, which comes from God must remain intact, no matter how difficult this is. To remain true to God’s Teachings requires great strength, stamina and a willful determination.
Love is the way in which you can remain true to my Son but this love must be unconditional. It must never be sullied by love for yourself because this does not give glory to God. If you truly love God, you will remain loyal to the Word. If you say you are a disciple of my Son, Jesus Christ, then you must follow His Teachings, without condition. You must love one another as He loves you – without condition. You cannot say that you love God if you do not love one another. You cannot walk in His Footsteps if you do not forgive those who trespass against you.
It is only when you abide by the Laws of God that you will enter His Glorious Kingdom.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation