Wednesday, January 4, 2012 18:15
My daughter, I will make Myself known very soon.
The preparations are complete, but I need more prayer for those who will die a wretched death in a state of mortal sin during The Warning.
I urge My followers to pray, pray, pray for their poor souls.
I love you, My beloved followers. How I rejoice at the love and purity of heart I witness amongst you. You bring Me so much comfort and ease My suffering. Your devotion is like a balm on My festering Wounds.
In the world, just as I Am dismissed and rejected by so many, it is the loyalty of you, My beloved followers, which brings Me great joy.
My suffering is dictated by the level of godlessness in the world – this world, which honours ambition, self-glory and false idols.
My Name is not deemed important. My Voice is not heard above the din of the voices of the self-obsessed.
How loud they shout and boast of their worldly gains. But it is the whispers of My beloved followers, which allow Me to speak so that My Voice is heard.
You, My followers, are now in union with Me, in a way that will surprise you.
Go, My daughter, and tell My beloved followers that I love them and that My graces will make them strong enough to proclaim My Holy Word to a world that needs to hear the Truth so that souls can be saved.
Your beloved Jesus
Wednesday, January 4, 2012 19:20
(Note: Extract from a Message received, much of which was a personal Message to Maria Divine Mercy.)
My dearly beloved daughter, heed Me now while I inform the world that nations will attempt to begin to destroy each other in the East.
Much prayer is needed to ensure that this Nuclear War and other atrocities are averted. Never forget that prayer is powerful and can mitigate many evil events.
I must remind you of My desire to have prayers said to save souls.
I need more souls, My daughter, especially those who are destined to die during The Warning.
You must know by now that this is My greatest desire and it will be the prayers of My followers, which can bring about the salvation of these souls.
I urge prayer groups everywhere to pray hard now for such souls.
God, My Eternal Father, will respond accordingly to your requests and offer a lifeline to these poor souls.
You are tired now, My daughter. Go in peace. Rest.
Your Jesus
Friday, January 4, 2013 12:30
My dear children, you must pray that the Christian Churches wake up to the Truth of these Messages. It will be by the power of their numbers that they will continue to uphold the Teachings of my Son.
He, my precious Son, desires the loyalty of all of His followers. You must pray that those amongst His Churches, with responsibility for the daily proclamation of His Holy Word, remain loyal to Him at all times.
I must urge you not to listen to any new doctrine which will be presented in the Name of my Son, Jesus Christ, which does not come in His Holy Name.
The times ahead will be challenging for all Christians. You will need great perseverance if you wish to remain true to God.
When you are challenged, bullied and persecuted, by other Christians, to accept new laws, which you will know in your heart are not from God, then you must recite this Crusade Prayer to keep you true to your Faith.
Crusade Prayer (91) Keep me true to my Faith
O Blessed Mother of Salvation, protect me in my hour of need, when I am confronted with evil.
Help me to defend the Word of God with strength and courage, without any fear in my soul.
Pray that I remain loyal to the Teachings of Christ and that I can fully surrender my fears, my worries and my sadness, completely.
Help me, so that I can walk fearlessly ahead on this lonely path, in order to proclaim the Truth of the Holy Word of God, even when the enemies of God make this task almost impossible.
O Blessed Mother, I ask that, through your intercession, the faith of all Christians remains strong, at all times, during the persecution. Amen.
Children, you must remember that when your faith is constantly being challenged, insulted and sneered at, that my Son suffers with you. This suffering and persecution is as it was during His cruel trial, during which He was accused of heresy for simply speaking the Truth.
The Truth, when spoken, attracts controversy, anger and, sometimes, violence. Know that my Son will give you the strength you will need, to endure this time of great difficulty.
Listen children to my call. I will intercede, on your behalf, to keep you strong, and my Son will shower you with special graces to enable you to avoid being bullied into accepting blasphemous laws, which will cause a great rift in the Christian Churches and, in particular, the Catholic Church.
I love you and offer you my prayers at every stage of your journey on the path of Truth.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Saturday, January 4, 2014 13:40
My dearly beloved daughter, although My Justice is to be feared, I will always respond to those of you who beg for Mercy for other souls. I promise you, that through the recital of My Crusade Prayers and other prayers, in which you ask Me to show Clemency, I will listen and act accordingly.
My Mercy is boundless and covers all sinners when they and others seek redemption. My Love is endless. My Compassion is ceaseless. Let no man ever doubt My Promise and My Desire to save everyone, including My enemies. I urge you, My beloved followers, all over the world – including those who are not familiar with these Messages – to pray, pray, pray for your own souls and those of others. This includes believers, non-believers and those who do not know the Truth.
My Love for you is there for all of you to see, feel and live. All you have to do is to respond as I have taught you. Love one another as I do. Be merciful when they scourge you by praying for them. Be generous of your time by working hard and praying to save the souls of those who are far removed from Me.
This is My greatest Desire. Go in peace.
Your Jesus
Saturday, January 4, 2014 13:50
My child, in the lead up to the birth of my Son, the pangs were evident in all which befell us. I fled to Elizabeth for comfort, in the knowledge that she was blessed with insight, given to her by the Holy Spirit. I, and my beloved spouse, sought out this refuge of peace, at a time when we were so overwhelmed with the knowledge of what was to come.
When my time approached, every obstacle, planted by the spirit of evil, was placed before us, every step we took. Doors were slammed in our faces; people we knew shunned us and we were cast out into the wilderness. And so we ended up without a roof over our heads and in a shelter fit only for animals, while the Holy Messiah came into the world as a pauper. There were no ceremonies, no coronation, no acknowledgements. There were only a few people left to comfort me in my loneliness. But then, when my Son was born, all feelings of anxiety left me. All I felt was a love of the most Divine Presence. Peace finally reigned in my Heart.
By the Power of the Holy Spirit, help and comfort was sent to us, though they were few in number. Although the birth of Jesus Christ was a humble and lowly event – where only a few people were involved – word had spread. This is how the Holy Spirit works. Many had been expecting the birth. Many had heard about the event and many then spoke about it. When it was made known that Jesus Christ, the Messiah promised to humanity, was born, the opposition began to mount. The vicious attack by Herod and all his servants, demonstrated how much the Presence of God puts fear into the hearts of evil men.
From that day forward, I became the protector of my Son and my beloved spouse, Joseph, organized our safety on many occasions after that. We spent many years fleeing from one place to another. So much opposition we faced – so much fear, so much hatred. That was our lot. The moment my Son was found at the age of twelve years preaching in the temple, we took Him into hiding.
Joseph’s family were involved in smuggling us out and for many years we travelled. We first went to Judea and then my Son was taken to India, Persia, Egypt, Greece and England. Everywhere we went my Son’s Presence created many miracles, although He never presented Himself publicly as the Messiah. He was well looked after and we saw much of Him. We lived in peace, love and harmony and only for my spouse, Joseph, we would have had nowhere to go to protect my Son until His public Mission began.
And now that His Second Coming is imminent, every obstacle will be placed before His Arrival. Every Word out of the mouth of His prophet will be torn asunder and mocked. Only a handful of people will be privy to the Truth surrounding this Mission and many doors will be slammed in the faces of those who follow His instructions. This Mission is a lonely one for you, my child, and you are instructed to remain obedient in all things made known to you by God.
Help will be sent. Help will also cease when it is the Desire of my Son. While few are seen to follow this Mission, millions more believe in it completely. For the Word of God will always attract those of His, through the Power of the Holy Spirit.
The birth pangs have begun and the labour will not last too long. Soon the birth of a new beginning will dawn and then the Day of the Lord will finally arrive. Children, be at peace, for all of these things must come to pass before the Earth is purged of sin.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Sunday, January 4, 2015 16:00
My dearly beloved daughter, if a man who does not believe in Me or My Word, and who is given the gift of discernment, comes to Me and asks Me for My Help and My Mercy, I will redeem him and give him salvation. If a man who knows Me but betrays Me, then comes to Me and tries to defend his actions, I will cast him away for he has committed the worst sin.
My greatest enemies are those who were blessed with the Truth but whose pride makes them believe that they are privileged to act in My Name. I was betrayed by one of My Own when I walked the earth not by those who did not know Me. The same will always be the case until the time of the Great Day.
Those who exalt themselves before Me but speak evil of others will be cut off from Me. Those who are cut off from Me because they reject Me, but who finally turn to Me, will be saved first. Be careful when you proclaim that you are of Me, for the wise man will love Me irrespective of the graces he receives. He will never boast of his holiness, his devout life or his understanding of My Word. Pride is the downfall of those who believe their knowledge of Me is greater than others. It is those who come to Me as little ones whom I bring closer to My Sacred Heart. These are the souls who love Me unconditionally and who do not feel the need to display their love for Me, so that others will admire and look up to them. It is the man who leaves all in My Hands, when he speaks the Truth, who brings Me the souls I desire, not the man who feels he deserves great accolades for doing so.
The evil one gains entry into the souls of those whose opinion of their own greatness, in My eyes, surpasses any love, which they may have for Me. He then uses these souls so that, by their cunning, they will spread falsities in My Name. The sin of pride is the main cause of every conceivable sin against Me. You must strive always to fight the temptation to betray Me when you believe that any knowledge of My Holy Word gives you the authority to voice your opinion as to how God works, in His Plan of Salvation. Only He, Who is above all, has the right to do this. All souls must bend on one knee before Him and not stride ahead to do what they believe to be His Holy Will, if this means insulting any living souls in His Holy Name.
Listen carefully to what I tell you now. If you have betrayed My Word, or the Truth, you must ask Me to rid you of your iniquities for you will not be given the time you think you have to seek solace in My Divine Mercy.
Your Jesus