Friday, March 15, 2013 22:30
Volume 3Mary Queen of Heaven and Eartch to the Catholic Church Mary as Intercessor be peacefulprayer for the clergyfaithfulness to TruthJesus Saviourthe False Prophetdaily RosaryNew Paradisethe Second ComingJesus I trust in youAgods of JesusMy dear child, this is a time of great sorrow, not only for you, but for all those who love my Son.
I must urge you, dear children, to remain strong and faithful to the Holy Word of God, for the sake of my Son. He, my beloved Son, hangs His Head in agony as He watches the horror as His Church crumbles before Him.
Please pray for hope and say my Holy Rosary every day for all those who rule in Rome. You must pray for all those who run the Catholic Church. Please include the man who sits in the Chair of Peter, for he is in great need of your prayers.
Pray that he will accept the Truth of the death of my Son on the Cross and that he will open his heart to my Son’s pleas for mercy for all God’s children.
No matter how hard these times are, in the Roman Catholic Church, evil cannot and will not prevail against the Power of God.
My role as Mediatrix of all Graces is soon to be realized, and as the woman chosen to be clothed in the rays of the sun, my time has come to help my Son in His final plan of salvation.
I cherish all of God’s children, including those who bring Him great shame and distress. Pray that my prayers, taken to my Son and presented to Him on your behalf, can help mitigate the suffering, which lies ahead within the Catholic Church.
My love, as Mother of all God’s children, is all encompassing and I will never stop in my quest to bring you hope, dear children.
Prayers will be heard in Heaven and you must never give up hope, as my Son’s Mercy is greater than you could possibly know.
God’s Love is Almighty. Ask and you will receive great blessing, as the preparations are complete in readiness for the Great Day of the Lord.
Await with patience, love and trust for all of these trials will soon be past, and then the New Heaven and the New Earth will merge as one. This is all you need concern yourselves with – the preparation of your soul and those who need your prayers the most. Only then, will you be able to accept the Light of God and enter the New Paradise on earth.
Be at peace and focus only on my Son and His singular desire to save the souls of every living creature.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation