Sunday, September 16, 2012 13:45
Volume 3islamother religionssatanismsintactic of satanhatred
My dearly beloved daughter the global hatred erupts between nations at this time and all in the Name of God.
How little humanity knows of the ways of God, which are so far removed from hatred.
Hatred cannot come from God. Hatred is used by Satan to insult the Word of God.
Satan uses religion as a means to condone hatred.
Hatred takes many forms and is presented in a number of ways cunningly devised by Satan and placed within the minds of humanity.
Hatred can be used to convince others to accept lies about another person in order to encourage hatred and tension.
Hatred can be used to create religious division and ignite violence by blaspheming against the Word of God.
When humanity used hatred to justify one’s faith in God they sin against God in the most evil way.
To hate another person in the Name of God is a contradiction for only love can come from God.
Hatred comes only from Satan.
The choice is simple. You either choose God and live your life according to His Rules or you choose Satan and the lies he uses to corrupt humanity and steal souls.
Your Jesus