Saturday, September 1, 2012 10:25
Volume 2other religionsfalse godsto unbelieversNew Paradiseabout this MissionGod's LoveMy dearly beloved daughter, the speed at which My Messages are being given to humanity is indicative of the urgency of this Mission.
So many people in the world are lost.
So many poor souls do not know who God, My Father, is.
So many do not accept Me, His beloved Son, as the True Messiah.
This Mission is the last Gift of Prophecy sanctioned by My Father to save souls.
These Messages are for Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, agnostic and all those who seek solace in man-made religions.
All people, all souls, have the same desire to find meaning in their lives.
For most it is heart breaking if they do not believe in God, for they believe that all ends when their life on earth expires.
Oh if only they could see what happens when their souls come before Me. They see Me and are speechless for they cannot believe that I am real. The joy in many such souls is matched only by relief if they die in a State of Grace.
However, the joy of those souls in darkness, when they see Me, is cut short and they drift away from Me, into the depths of Hell in a state of shock and despair.
Those souls who know of God’s Teachings, through His prophets and as a result of My own Mission on earth, and who reject Me, know this.
You have chosen to turn your back on the Truth. Because of My Love for you I will do all I can to open your eyes.
I will bring gifts and because of My Great Mercy I will save you. I call on all of you, irrespective, as to which religion you follow, to listen to these Words now.
You all know what it is like to be part of a family.
Some of you are fortunate enough to have been born into a family full of love.
Others are not so blessed and may have suffered through difficulties and darkness within the family unit. Others are lost, bruised, angry and cannot feel true love for their families.
Some are cast out into the wilderness to fend for themselves with no one to turn to.
Many simply need a crutch of some sort to lean on in order to feel hope. This is why many poor souls try to find religions, which provide that missing link.
Sadly this simply leads them into further despair. For these religions are based on a lie.
Lies hurt you children. They give you a false sense of security. These religions have no substance because they do not follow the Truth, the path of the Lord.
Just know that We, the Holy Trinity, are your family. The New Heaven and Earth will be your true home.
Follow Me on the path of Truth so I can take you to your rightful home.
A home so full of love and joy that it is all you need strive for.
Please open your eyes because the time has come for the world to be finally present with the Covenant of Truth.
My Death on the Cross was a Covenant to bring you salvation.
My Second Coming is also a Covenant, the final Covenant, to bring you home to God, the Creator of all things.
My Father, God the Most High, is now sending Me soon to bring Salvation to all of His children.
I can only do this and fulfil My Father’s Promise if I can save every soul.
Do not block My Path because of doubts.
Do not reject My attempts to bring salvation to every soul.
Do not forfeit the chance to live a fulfilled life full of love, joy and wonder, in peace and harmony, in the New Era of Peace.
Your Jesus