Friday, August 10, 2012 12:45
Volume 2Jesus you take care of ittemptationimportance of prayerpersonal prayerEucharistConfessionRosary as a protection against sintactic of satanJesus I trust in you
My dearly beloved daughter know that when you postpone prayer to Me, Your Divine Jesus, that you become weak and distanced from Me.
You must never postpone prayer or delay the time you need to devote to Me each day.
When you do, the evil one distracts you and fills your mind with worldly matters which are empty of substance.
Then you will feel an emptiness and a struggle will become apparent within your soul.
Don’t you know that you are nothing without Me? An empty vessel which nothing can satisfy no matter how powerful the allure of material wonders seem.
When I elevate a soul it entwines itself within My Sacred Heart.
But to stay firmly within Me the soul must communicate with Me and declare its love constantly and offer thanksgiving. Otherwise it can become detached just as a baby is separated from its mother at birth when the umbilical cord is cut.
Do not take your eyes off Me for one minute for the evil one waits.
Then at the most unexpected moment he moves in for the kill and snatches you away.
He uses the senses to tempt and other souls to torment his victims. He especially targets My Soldiers and they suffer the most.
My daughter while busy with My work you took your eyes from Me and this caused you to suffer. You became lost and confused. Your agitation increased as every interruption, caused by the evil one, meant you postponed your appointed time with Me, your Jesus.
When this happens you must go to Confession, receive My Body and spend time in prayer.
You must never forget to say My Beloved Mother’s Holy Rosary for it offers a ring of protection against Satan.
Go now. Come to Me today in prayer. Then during your day talk to Me as a friend and share all your concerns. Then hand them over to Me and leave all your worries to me.
Your Jesus