Sunday, May 13, 2012 16:00
Volume 2joy of salvation meaning of a penancejoyeternal lifewhat is the WariningJesus Kinglife in the New Paradisetransfer to the New Paradisedo not be afraidNew Paradisepeace in soulJesus I trust in youfree willGod's LoveGod's KingdomGod's Truthcriteria of salvationMy dearly beloved daughter, it is time to understand that My Messages are not to bring fear.
They are to bring love. They are also being used, to tell those who commit sin or wrongdoing, that they must redeem themselves in My Eyes, or be lost to Me forever.
How could I not tell humanity the Truth?
I realise that you, My daughter, feel a burden from time to time as the recipient of these Divine Messages. You must never allow fear to enter your heart, for it does not come from Me.
Have I not told you that there is a wonderful New Era of Peace ahead for all those who love Me? What is there to fear?
Is it worry over your future, your family or not knowing what lies ahead? If so then you must know this.
I love you all. I want all of God’s children to unite as one holy family, together in love.
This is why I Am communicating now, in plenty of time, to draw you all closer to Me.
To ensure that you will all turn and open your hearts to the love that I have for every single soul on this Earth, I must warn humanity of the dangers they face.
If I did not love you, as I do, I would not warn you.
My Love is so powerful that it is a Love unknown to any human being, for not one of you could have the capacity to feel the Love that I hold for you.
My Love means that I do not want God’s children to suffer.
I will take all of you, who will see the Truth, after The Warning, and show you the Love I have.
You and all of those who belong to Me in mind, body and soul will be given the most exquisite Gift, beyond your comprehension.
The New Paradise awaits you, and the Earth, that you may think you will pine for, will mean nothing, when you see the Kingdom that has been prepared.
My children, there is much to look forward to. Fear is unnecessary.
Instead consider that you will be given Eternal Life.
You will be lavished with great abundance and will want for nothing.
The colours, the scents, the love you will feel for all those around you, the peace within your families, lack of fear, your souls full of the Love of God and your perfect bodies – how could you not desire My Kingdom?
My Kingdom will become your new home, when Heaven and Earth will merge as one, and the dead, who accepted Me as their Saviour, will be resurrected to join with their families, their brothers and sisters in love and happiness.
The relief you will feel when the world of sin, in which you live now, is no longer there, will bring joy, calm and contentment.
No more worries, fears, anxieties or sin.
You will still have free will, but it will be different. You will be living in complete union with Me, according to the Holy Divine Will of My Father. He has waited patiently for this moment.
I Am patiently preparing all of God’s children, so that not one soul is lost.
So, My dearest daughter, fear not.
Suffering will not last long. In its place will be the home to which each child of God belongs.
That is My Promise to all of you. Do not feel sad, frightened or worried for it is completely unnecessary.
Just learn to love Me more. The more you love Me, the more you will trust in Me.
Only then will fear leave you.
Only then will you truly be free.
I love all of you. Never forget this, especially when you may be worried about the future.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ