Tuesday, December 20, 2011 20:30
Volume 1consolationhelp from Jesusask for help lonelinessdespairabandonementask for forgivenessforgivenesspower of prayerMy dearest beloved daughter, why do My children feel so abandoned in the world right now?
Why do they despair from grief and loneliness when all they have to do is to call on Me, their Jesus, to give them comfort?
Each of them must turn and ask Me for help. I will answer each and every prayer. Not one request will go unheeded and their prayers will be answered according to My Holy Will.
So many forget that when they turn to Me, I Am constantly standing beside them.
Every soul on Earth is precious to Me.
If they would only realize that it gives Me great Joy when they turn to Me for help.
It gives Me even more joy and happiness when sinners ask Me to forgive them and show sorrow for their sins.
These are the souls who find instant favour. Tell them they must never be afraid to turn to Me, for I Am Ever-Merciful. The relief they will feel afterwards is a grace I bestow on those with warm, sincere hearts.
This is the time of the year when My Mercy is poured out over the whole world the most. So turn to Me now for the strength and the graces needed to help you endure your trials in the world.
Your Jesus
Saviour and Redeemer of Mankind