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Don’t you know you are of Me and that this is a natural birthright? Lean on Me, My beloved followers

Global group who destroyed your banking system will fall apart

Friday, November 4, 2011 19:00

Volume 1offering to Jesusprayer for satansistbanking systemmasonrypeace in soulJesus I trust in youprayer for strenght

My dearest daughter, from Me comes True Life, the only life that man will ever need from here to eternity.

Children, you must know that this terrible turmoil you are seeing all around you will not last long.

God, My Eternal Father, will not allow His precious children to suffer much more. You, My children, are the victims of the work of the deceiver. He who controls the global group is weakening. His powers are being scuppered through the Power of My Father. This group, who deliberately destroyed your banking systems to make beggars out of you, will fall apart. You must not worry because the Hand of My Father will fall on their wicked ways.

Pray that all those deluded souls who slavishly abide by the wickedness, which is at the very heart of this group, will convert during The Warning.

You must never give up hope, children. It will be through your love of God the Most High, that you will return to the fold of your family. The Blessed Trinity is your home, children. Those of you who accept this fact, brought about through conversion, will inherit the glorious Era of Paradise on Earth.

Trust in Me always. Offer your worries, troubles and fears to Me. Allow Me to ease your pain and suffering. It will not be too long now when the world will find relief from the painful birth pangs you endure in these times.

Never lose hope. Trust in Me. Pray for My graces to make you stronger. Lay your head on My Shoulders and allow My peace to envelop your souls. Only then will you understand the Truth of My glorious promise of eternal life.

Your Jesus
Saviour of Mankind




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