Saturday, October 8, 2011 16:20
Volume 1about these Messagesfalse prophetsfalse propheciesother propheciesthe False Prophettactic of satanGod's LoveMy dearly beloved daughter, as My genuine visionaries go forth into the world, so also will the false visionaries. You will know them by carefully scrutinizing their messages for the world. For somewhere within, you will find that My Teachings and the Truth contained in the Most Holy Bible have been tampered with. So subtle are these untruths, that only those with true knowledge of the Holy Scriptures will be able to spot them.
Watch out for any hatred, which such visionaries create amongst their followers, when they fight, divide and split up families. The cults that emerge from such visionaries’ work will now surge forth into the world to cause confusion and anxiety amongst believers.
Wherever My Holy Word is contained you will find Love. My Messages breed love and harmony and will not fail to affect your soul. My Messages will always speak the Truth and while stark and frightening at times, they are being given to you, My children, out of Love.
False visionaries will impart messages that are not easy to read or understand. On the face of it, they will exude a sense of authority and create a feeling of love. They will not, however, bring you peace of soul. Such visionaries, many of whom, are not of God, seduce first, then control, until finally they suck you into a bed of lies and deceit.
Satan and his army will influence such false visionaries and seers. He can even attack genuine visionaries when he encourages them to wander away from Me in confusion. I urge you, children, to be on your guard at all times.
Denounce messages, which contradict My Teachings in any way, for you can then be sure that they are false.
I only speak through a select number of authentic visionaries and seers in the world today. There are less than twenty and fewer than you think. Each of them, have been given a different role, but My Voice and My instructions will have a ring of familiarity, which you will detect. There will be a purpose to their messages, all of which are designed to encourage action on your part to prepare your souls.
Any actions encouraged by those who call themselves visionaries and seers, which seem strange, or which encourage their followers to take actions, which do not involve the love of your neighbour, then turn your backs.
Heed now, for this is the era of the false prophet, who will make himself known in the world shortly. So also is it the era for the multitude of false prophets sent by the deceiver into the world to cause confusion and a darkness of soul.
Your beloved Jesus