Thursday, October 6, 2011 22:45
Volume 1one currency global collapse of financial marketscall to prayerprayer for protectionSt. Michael Archangelethe WarningOne World GovermentAntichristtactic of satanApocalypseMy dearly beloved daughter, pray hard because the antichrist is ready to spring from his hiding hole and will leap upon the world in order to devour My children.
His cunning plan will be hidden behind a handsome, charming and articulate exterior, but when My children look into his eyes they will see darkness, for he has no soul. He was not created by the Hand of God the Father.
Pray, My children, now, every one of you, to stop him from destroying all those he controls from within the One World Order.
Prayer can mitigate many of his proposed, sickening plans against humanity. Sadly, many will be fooled by him. Never before have I urged My children for so much prayer, because without your prayers the schemes he is orchestrating will be fulfilled as foretold in the Book of Revelation.
His presence on Earth is felt throughout the world, but his actions are hidden from view. He is like a rock, which when thrown into the water, creates ripples that can travel for miles. He wants to destroy you because you are My children.
My children who follow his every move in a slavish manner are blindfolded. The secret atrocities committed by these people create tremendous sorrow in Heaven.
Children, I must ask you to pray to St. Michael the Archangel to rebuke Satan during these turbulent times. The antichrist is moving quickly and his influence is speeding up the global plot to unify your currencies everywhere.
Your banking collapse was deliberately mastermind by the antichrist so that when your countries needed help, he and his wicked minions would rise to rescue your countries.
Wake up all of you and see what is really happening before your eyes. He is waiting to pounce, but your prayers can mitigate his actions and halt him in his tracks. His soiled hands are waiting to grab you into an embrace, from which you will find it hard to disentangle.
Remember, children, Satan’s remaining time on Earth is short. The antichrist has been sent to steal souls from My Father. These souls come from My Father, God the Creator of all things. The antichrist’s promise of an everlasting universe is nonsense. Many souls are now being seduced by this new and sinister doctrine. I watch as they fall into this deceitful den of darkness and weep bitter tears. For once these souls follow this path of deceit they are contaminated. Their attitude to others, including their family, changes as their hearts turn cold.
Satan’s power is strong, but God the Father will step in and punish his followers on this Earth most severely. The Warning is their last chance to turn their backs on the antichrist.
Pray that My Light will penetrate each and every soul during The Warning, so that lost souls, especially, can be rescued from this terrible darkness.
Your beloved Jesus Christ