Wednesday, August 24, 2011 16:38
Volume 1role of sufferingThe Remnant ArmyMy dearly beloved daughter, every nation in the world will strive to read My Messages given to you. For it will be when they witness The Warning, that they will then seek My guidance to give them strength.
You are tired now, My daughter, as the suffering increases, but you will be given a reprieve in a few days. All this is required of you because I need the suffering to help Me redeem those people in terrible sin. Try and see the benefits that it brings. For one day you will rejoice with me when you witness the Fruits of this Work.
March forward, My children, in strength for as the prophecies foretold through this prophet unfold now, so too will belief be in the authenticity of this website.
Pray now, My children, that you, My army, increase in numbers and unite as one to fight the spiritual battle that lies ahead.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ