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Never fear. If you love Me and believe in Me what is there to fear? For love is not fearful. Love is joy, happiness and for all of you who believe in the eternal life in Heaven, there is nothing to fear. I love you all.

God the Father: the role of suffering

Sunday, August 7, 2011 14:45

Volume 1power of sufferingabandonementadorationSt. Michael ArchangeleMiddle Eastyear 2011prayersatanismlovesinHoly SpiritApocalypserole of sufferingwarsprayer for strenght

I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am God the Father, Creator of man and the universe.

My precious daughter, I now finally accept your gift to Me to help save souls. Your gift is accepted with love and joy. This will not be an easy road, but you will be protected once you ask Me for My help every single day.

Your suffering will be mental and a darkness of the soul. As it gets worse, keep reminding yourself of those creatures who will be saved because of your suffering.

Go to Adoration as often as you can to gain the strength required for this Work. The Messages from My beloved Son will continue. They must be posted as before, for His Messages to the world will increase not decrease. You are being helped by many saints who intercede on your behalf.

Keep praying to the Holy Trinity for the graces required to stay strong. Never feel abandoned, as this will seem to be part of your suffering. Rest your head. Keep silent and appear joyful to the outside world. Ignore those who will hurt you. Rather, remember it is because of the Divine Light that will shine through your soul that will draw out the darkness in others. Then and only then will you realise the torment that sears through the Heart of My Son when He sees sin in the world. Your suffering will be just a fraction of what He suffers every minute of the day.

Accept now the Gift that you too have been given by being called to become a victim soul.

Remember, you, My daughter, are in My Heart at all times. I watch over you and protect you. Smile now. Have no fear for this Work will bring great rewards for you and your family and loved ones, in My Glorious Kingdom.

Your beloved Father
God the Creator of all things.




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