Wednesday, November 19, 2014 14:47
Volume 5consolationto those who are unhappyhopehelp from Jesusask for helpCrusade Prayersto suffering peopleto those who do not know the sense of lifeprayer for helpMy dear child, let me bring love and comfort to the afflicted and especially to those who are suffering from terrible diseases.
I bring you great Blessings from my beloved Son, Who desires to reach out to those of you who suffer in this way. He will help you, who are ravaged by physical sufferings, by filling you with His Holy Presence. He asks that you turn to Him in your hour of need and beg Him to bring you peace and calm.
Please ask my Son to take you into His Arms and protect you from your pain. Ask Him to take your suffering upon His Shoulders and He will help you. My Son will intervene in many ways to prove to the world that He is speaking to you through these messages.
To all those who ask for healing of the soul, as well as of the body, and who recite the Crusade Prayer (94), my Son will respond to those souls, through whom He chooses, to fulfil His Holy Will.
You must never lose hope for when you trust completely in my Son He will always respond to your cries for help.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
Crusade Prayer (94) To cure the mind, body and soul
“O dear Jesus, I lay myself before You, weary, sick, in pain and with a longing to hear Your Voice.
Let me be touched by Your Divine Presence, so that I will be flooded by Your Divine Light, through my mind, body and soul. I trust in Your Mercy.
I surrender my pain and suffering completely before You and I ask that You give me the Grace to trust in You, so that You can cure me of this pain and darkness, so that I can become whole again and, so that I can follow the Path of Truth and allow You to lead me to life in the New Paradise. Amen.”