Saturday, November 1, 2014 13:35
Volume 5God the Father, Creatorvanityfalse godspaganismto those who do not know the sense of lifeegoismintelligencearrogancewarning of the Helltoday's worldMy dearly beloved daughter, beware of those who deny the Divinity of My Father. He, and only He, created the world – all came from Him. Nothing can come from nothing. All that is, and will be, comes from My Eternal Father.
The Word cannot be broken and if, and when, it is do not accept anything that is contrary to the Truth. You live in a time when all evidence of the existence of God, and everything He created, will be denied. Everything that He holds dear will be destroyed. His Creation is being torn asunder by those who deny Him. Life, which comes from Him, is being destroyed and the Truth, which He gave His children through His Holy Book, containing the Old and the New Testaments, is now being questioned. Soon, much of what The Word says will be deemed to be untrue.
How little you love He Who is your Eternal Father and how little you value your own destiny, for the path you choose is carefully selected to suit only your own arrogance and self-gratification. The man who is obsessed with his own intellect, knowledge and vanity will continue to try to find a path to God, but by his own making. This will lead him astray and he will end up living a lie. When you wander through this life in search of the meaning of your existence, you will never find it unless you accept the Truth of Creation.
God, My Eternal Father, created you. Until you accept this you will continue to idolize false gods and your paganism will bring you to your knees in despair. The time has come when you will accept anything that proves My Father does not exist.
You were given the Truth. Accept it. Let Me lead you by the hand to My Father so that I can bring you Eternal Salvation. Anything other than the Truth will lead you on the road to hell.
Your Jesus