Monday, October 6, 2014 13:55
Volume 5false mercyacceptance of sinsinslavery of sinegoismto clergyGod's WrathGod's CommandmentsMy dear children, the Ten Commandments laid down by God can never be re-written, because that would be a sacrilege. Man can never tamper with the Word and the day will come when the Wrath of God will descend upon humanity, when the Ten Commandments are deemed by man to be flawed. When this happens, know that God’s Word will no longer be revered and that humanity will be led into grave error.
No man, or sacred servant, has been given the authority to overturn the Ten Commandments or the Word of God. No excuse can ever be made to deny the Truth of the Word of God. The Laws of God will soon be overturned by millions of people. Then, all those who fall for the deceit, which will come about as a result, will be blinded by darkness. The Holy Spirit can never enlighten those who deny the Word or who condone sin. When the Holy Spirit is no longer present, and when the Word has been adapted, to suit the selfish needs of man, then any new laws will mean nothing in God’s Eyes.
The enemies of God will move quickly to overthrow the Truth and My Son’s Church will be divided into two. Those who staunchly defend the Truth will be cursed for speaking it. Those who utter profanities and declare these to be the Truth will be applauded. The spirit of evil will roost in the hearts of the misguided and many souls will be lost. They will not be able to present themselves before my Son and declare themselves to be whole, because they refuse to acknowledge the Truth given to them through God’s Mercy.
It will soon be declared that God is Merciful towards all sinners, no matter what they do to offend Him. This is true, but when they offend Him, by presenting before Him every abomination and heresy and then declare that these are acceptable to God, He will turn away from them in disgust.
Man will be so full of his own desires, to suit his sinful life, that he will pronounce unlawful acts as being desirable in God’s Eyes. This will amount to lies. And, when they dare to present these before the altars of God, these souls will be cast out. Should you allow yourselves to be led into grave error, you will place your souls in grave danger.
I ask that you recite the Ten Commandments as often as you can. By doing so, you will know what it is that is required of you in order to truly serve God.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation