Thursday, August 21, 2014 16:25
Volume 5love is answer to hatredprayer for persecutorspersecutionprayer for discermentHoly Spiritlove to neighboursDivine MercyMy dear children, when a man persecutes another man and causes him suffering, the Spirit of God cannot remain in that soul for it is the evil one who resides within it. When a man persecutes another, causes him harm, either spiritually or physically and then justifies his actions, by saying that he is defending the Word of God, know that this is the greatest sin as it insults the Divinity of God.
No man has the authority to harm another man in the Name of God as this would never be condoned, or permitted, by my Son, Jesus Christ. As the calamities in the world increase, so will every wicked act be condoned by those guilty of terrible sin against Christ. They will make every excuse to justify their evil actions and not one of them will escape chastisement in God’s Plan of Redemption. Cast evil upon another soul and that man will have to answer for his sins against God, His Creation and every child of His.
At this time of great deceit, when it is difficult for sinners to discern right from wrong, it is important to remember the Words of my Son, Jesus Christ. Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone. The person who causes terrible suffering to others will be judged according to his or her actions.
You must, at this time, pray for humanity and the graces to discern the difference between sins, which are carried out against mankind, and those against God. Sin is sin, but when evil acts are carried out in God’s Holy Name then grave consequences will follow in their wake. As hatred spreads so too will the Love of God spread through the souls of the meek and the humble, for they carry the torch of Salvation against a background of darkness. Only but for the Grace of God, can man be saved from sin and it will be through those souls, who love God without condition that the souls who err can be redeemed.
You must pray, pray, pray for sinners everywhere because the darkness blinds them to the Truth. Without the Truth, the world would plunge into complete darkness. Pray that you, my dear children, can withstand the ugliness which sin brings into your lives. Pray for those who persecute God’s children so that they may find it in their hearts to show love and compassion to others.
Pray for the salvation of souls and, especially, those who have allowed hatred to cloud their hearts and who are in most need of God’s Mercy.
Your Beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation