Thursday, August 7, 2014 23:40
Volume 5betrayal of Israelpatience and love for persecutorskey simplicityfaithfulness to Truthsunpersecution of Christianityhatred to this Missionaposthasyhatredtwisted interpretation of the BibleGod's WordGod's Word deeply divides peopletruth can cause fear and hatredMy dearly beloved daughter were it not for My Patience, My Punishment would be inflicted now upon the unjust who scourge My Church on earth.
The hatred against Christianity is being inflicted upon you in three ways. The first is the global apostasy, which is spearheaded by My nemesis who deceives the world into rejecting all that is of Me and tossing Me onto a wasteland left to rot. The second comes about because of the rationalism and human interference in My Word, spread by scholars of My Word who are not filled with the spirit of Truth but who are, instead, stuffed with self-righteousness, which is fuelled by pride. So well versed do they believe they are in interpreting My Teachings that they will add in new codicils and adjust what I taught to suit their own selfish needs. And then, there are those whose hearts are made of stone – cold, unfeeling and filled with a deep intense hatred for Me and anyone who practices Christianity for all to see.
The influence of the devil is manifested in so many ways that man, alone, will be incapable of withstanding the demands made upon him by all of these three groups who will try to stop him from proclaiming the True Word of God. My Word, they will say, causes so much offence that it will be deemed to be politically incorrect and so this will be given as the main reason to radically change the face of Christianity. Only the simple, the people whose love for Me is likened to that of little children, will be loyal to Me because the rest will be too busy implementing the changes regarding the interpretation of My Word. And all during this time, the priests whom I have called to bear witness to the Truth will be preparing to preserve the Truth.
To hide the Truth will bring about a terrible darkness. To change it is a mockery of My Crucifixion. To present a substitute for the Truth is to deny Me completely. Yet, the greatest perpetrators will be those who boast of their knowledge of Me – their holiness masks falsities and their words and actions will never draw you to Me for the Holy Spirit will not be present in their souls. When the Holy Spirit is not present they will – these traitors of My Word – draw out the darkness in others who will enthusiastically embrace their lies. All of these falsities will bear the sign of the evil one – the sin of pride – the doorway into the desert. Once this door opens all other iniquities will flow through and the souls of all those who succumb to the heresy will become barren.
Without the Truth you will live in a world where nothing you hear will bring you peace. Without the Light of My Presence the sun will not shine- it will become dull and languid and then it will become a haze until, by the hand of mortal man, it will fail to bring light so that those who have eyes and who refused to see will no longer see, while those who saw and accepted the Spirit of God will see.
Your Jesus