Wednesday, August 6, 2014 13:00
Volume 5to solders of the Remnant Army division amongst ChristiansBibletactic of satanJesus I trust in yousatan's army
My dear children, be mindful of those who persecute you in the Name of my Son, Jesus Christ, as they will be careful to hide behind a veneer of holiness. The evil one will never present as he really is, because he is far too cunning. He will, instead, through the souls he influences, approach you with a façade of love and many will fall for this deceit. The words he uses may seem soothing and enticing, but they will leave an uneasy feeling in your soul.
When Messages are given to the world by the command of my Eternal Father, they will never make demands of you. They will never give a man power over you to encourage you to pledge allegiance to any living person. All glory must be to God. No man can promise you salvation, as this can only come from God. You may prepare your souls as you have been taught by my Son, Jesus Christ, and receive the Sacraments. You may accept the Gifts of Graces given to you, through me, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, but you do not need permission from anyone in order to be made worthy to serve my Son, in this or any other mission, sanctioned in Heaven.
Be wary of the enemies of my Son, as they are everywhere, doing all in their power to blind humanity from the Truth of my Son’s Promise to come again. He will return soon and then the Truth will be made known and all that He promised will come to light. Until the great Day of the Lord you must only focus on my Son and place all your trust in Him. My Son has sent no one to distract you from these Messages, the last of their kind, and any one who claims otherwise does not come from Him.
Trust, trust, trust in the Mercy of my Son. Listen to what He has taught you – all is contained in the Holy Bible. His Word is simple. It is not complicated. Just follow His Teachings, which span over 2,000 years and then you will find peace.
Your Beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation