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I will never forsake you to the power of evil, for I love you all so much. You are like a Limb from My Body. You are part of My Body. You are Part of Me.

God the Father: My Divine Will must never be opposed

Friday, May 9, 2014 17:00

Volume 5Jesus the only way of salvationwhy God allows for evil in the worldGod the Father, Creatorcreation fo the worldgenocidedisastersabortionblasphemychastisement from Godfree willGod's Kingdomcondemnation for contributing to the condemna

My dearest daughter, the world was created by Me, because it was My Will. My Will has always existed and always will. My Will, will be done, with or without the will of humanity. Free will, given to man through My Hand, was abused and this has resulted in a separation between man and Me, the Eternal Father. As long as man has the gift of free will, it means that only those who choose to come to Me, through My Son, Jesus Christ, can become part of Me – whole again. 

When man’s will opposes My Will, there results a bitter struggle, for only My Will can override all that is. My Divine Will controls all that I allow, all that I permit, because I will always accept the free will which I gave man, for I do not take back what I give. Sometimes, man, by his own free choice, causes terrible pain in the world and through his greed and selfishness offends Me greatly. Yet, I do not interfere with the will of man, because only he can decide whether or not he desires to do what My Will desires. And, while I will not attempt to take away free will, free choice does not mean that man can dictate to Me his will, over that which is Mine.

My Divine Will must never be opposed, because man can never surmount My Will. When he does, he will find it impossible to oppose Me, without suffering the consequences. Only I decide the outcome of life and death, for this is only for Me to decide. When I make a decision to carry out My Plans to protect My children, no man has the power to override that. Should man try to interfere with My Gifts to the world, which include life in all its forms, then he will, not only fail, but he will suffer as a result. 

Let no man try to stop Me in My Plan to complete My Holy Covenant.

Let no man blaspheme against Me or stand in the way of My Will, lest they be cut off abruptly.

Let no man try to stop Me from giving Eternal Life to souls or his own life will cease. When you try to oppose Me, you will never succeed. When man continues to deny My Word and fight My Divinity, there will result only turmoil, catastrophe, loss of life and terrible chastisements. This is why, when a soul is asked to obey Me or My Instructions, who through his free will accepts these requests, they will find it impossible to oppose My Will.

You, My daughter have tried to fight My Will – although you had already surrendered to Me. By now you will know that it is of little use, for only that which is dictated by Me, in My Own way, can be done.

Children – I Am your Father. I Am your Creator. Only I know what the future holds for you, but you will be comforted to know that all My Plans are completed. Only when your will is combined with Mine, can My Kingdom be fully realized and finally completed. Only then, will all conflict between man and Me, your Eternal Father, be over. Peace will then reign in the new world to come – a world so perfect that it will never end.

Your Father

God the Most High




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