We believe that the messages given to Maria Divine Mercy are true. We believe we are living in the end times.
This site has been created to show how much God loves us, and how much he wants to save us, through these unusual Messages.
We have developed a unique search engine to let people search into Messages, irrespective of their languages, to provide them messages daily and to provide crucial content through the easiest possible way.
At this page, we are avoiding any interpretations and suggestions. We are not defending those messages nor trying to
explain them.
Sometimes some quotes and parts of the messages are presented, but we always encourage to read the
whole messages in their context.
The Page started in 2014. Formerly under an address www.jesusbelovedsabiour.com. At 2018 page has to be closed.
After huge optimization, the page has been re-opened in 2025.
This site is consecrated to Mather of Salvation.
God Bless every reader!